by rainboy | Jul 17, 2015 | My Internet
And when I get to Heaven, To Saint Peter I shall tell, “Another tech reporting in— I’ve served my time in hell.”
by rainboy | May 26, 2014 | My Internet
Noticed a very nasty issue with Google Play Music in combination with a Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini ; while this issue may be on other phones as well as it seems an issue with the syncing of the music on it. To fix this battery drain simply uncheck the box Settings at >...
by rainboy | Aug 26, 2012 | My Internet, My Links, My Tools
Resources, we all need them; especially with upgrowing kids, this may become handy later on. Free Math Websites
by rainboy | Mar 24, 2011 | My Internet, My Life
Never trust a SEO company which is not #1 on the keyword SEO themselves.
by rainboy | Jan 25, 2010 | My Frustrations, My Internet, My Life
Zoals lezers in het vorige artikel al konden lezen ben ik niet al te chameerd van de praktijken van XS4ALL als het gaat om het opzeggen van een ADSL lijn; is niet zo gek want als iets je 3 maanden abonnements geld kost loopt het bedrag aardig op. XS4ALL zelf denkt nog...
by rainboy | Jan 15, 2010 | My Internet, My Tools, Uncategorized
Need to quickly setup a newly installed system; if you are just like me and need to reinstall your machine once in a while you know how long it takes to get all the applications ready on your system. It is no fun, you have to stay at the keyboard and look at those...